What are transportation efficient communities?

Welcome to Transportation Efficient Communities’ web hub! This website is full of resources for planners in cities, counties, and Metropolitan and Regional Transportation Planning Organizations; local elected officials; local health practitioners; and the public interested in helping make their communities more transportation-efficient. In this site, you’ll find best practices, contact information for subject matter experts, issue briefs, and recorded webinars on land use, transportation, and healthy and safe communities.

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What are the benefits of transportation efficiency?

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economic benefits


Transportation efficient communities thrive because of complementary private and public investment. Safe, reliable and modern transportation options provide access to jobs and markets for individuals and businesses. Economic benefits grow as these investments focus on revitalization and creation of sustainable, livable places.

social benefits


Transportation efficient communities provide vibrant, safe places for people to shop, receive medical services, work, eat, and play. They offer transportation choices for people and goods to efficiently and safely reach their destinations. These communities provide affordable housing near jobs and transportation options, and transportation choices for all residents and visitors.

environmental benefits


By improving the efficiency of their transportation system cities and counties can reduce carbon emissions, improve air quality, and reduce the risks of flooding, landslides, and wildfires. They do this by providing alternatives to single occupancy vehicles, siting long-term facilities in areas unlikely to be impacted by natural disasters, and by protecting green spaces.

Best Practice Tools

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